What To Bring To Public BBQ (To Prevent Miserable Time!)

Forgetting essential items can turn a fun outing into a frustrating experience. In this guide, we'll discuss the bare minimum items you'll need to pack for a successful park BBQ.

Barbecuing in a public park is a delightful experience that many people enjoy. However, forgetting essential items can turn a fun outing into a frustrating experience. In this guide, we'll discuss the bare minimum items you'll need to pack for a successful park BBQ-ing adventure. These basic supplies will ensure a stress-free and enjoyable barbeque experience, whether you're using an Aussie Public BBQ, Portable Gas Cooker, or Grill.

Actual Food to Cook With

It might seem obvious, but don't forget the main attraction: the food! Whether it's burgers, sausages, or veggies, make sure you have something delicious to grill.

Eating Utensils

Bring forks, knives, and spoons for eating. It's easy to overlook, but essential for enjoying your meal.

Cooking Utensils

A spatula or tongs will be needed for flipping and handling the food on the grill.

Cooking Oil

A little cooking oil can help prevent sticking and add flavor to your grilled items.

Water and Cleaning Brush

Bring some water to clean up afterward, along with a cleaning brush to scrape off the grill. Keeping the public BBQ clean is a courteous gesture for the next user.

Paper Towels

Useful for cleaning hands, wiping utensils, or soaking up excess oil.

Rubbish Bags

Pack a couple of rubbish bags: one for disposing of trash (especially if there are no bins nearby) and another for dirty utensils, so you can take them home and wash them.

Packing these bare essentials will set you up for a successful BBQ outing. Remember, preparation is key, and you don't want to be the person who shows up to a barbecue with just a fork and a bit of hope. Happy grilling!

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